Multi-Housing News’ most recent monthly poll asked readers what kind of investments they are making to boost curb appeal.
At a time of sustained high demand, first impressions go a long way. Not only do curb appeal upgrades make a property more pleasing to visitors, it has an impact on how it is presented online—the place where most interested leads are likely to interact with a community.
Nearly half of the survey’s responses—45 percent—identified landscaping as their chief investment priority. This is often the first part of a community that prospective renters see, be it on an in-person tour or via a website. Following landscaping was fresh paint, which 21 percent of respondents named as their top priority investment. Both paint color and quality can contribute to a property’s aesthetic appeal.
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Parking renovations came in third at 17 percent, possibly due to renovations that allow for easier driving accessibility, as well as the installation of electric vehicle chargers. Next, there was an even seven percent split of responses between replacing the windows and exterior signage. Just three percent of respondents listed an updated lobby as a curb appeal improvement.
Click here to see MHN’s latest poll, and the results of previous surveys.
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