Multi-Housing News has a new poll out! We want to hear how your firm is preparing for an anticipated surge in electric vehicle ownership and adoption in the coming years—considerations that may vary based on a community’s location, infrastructure accommodations and renter demographics.
Many communities in states with high adoption rates and either existing or proposed legislation mandating the installation of vehicle charging stations are retrofitting their parking lots to include the technology. EV charging has become a commonplace amenity at new properties.
At the same time, it may not make much sense for some communities to install charging stations if EV adoption rates remain low. Still, many in the multifamily space believe that developers and property managers would be wise to conduct long-term location and demographic research to determine what the best course of action is.
In last month’s poll, we asked readers what investments they are making to further their communities’ curb appeal. Landscape improvements, which often make for the biggest initial impression on prospective residents, took the top spot. Fresh paint and parking renovations finished second and third, respectively. Signage updates and window replacements followed, with lobby improvements coming in last.
Click here to see MHN’s latest poll, and the results of previous surveys.
The post MHN Poll: The Electric Vehicle Surge appeared first on Multi-Housing News.